Sunday 4 October 2015

Sirens of the lambs...

My boyfriend grew up on a farm, and now he is vegan. 

He loves animals and he understood that keeping, raising, raping, murdering and eating animals, drinking their milk, eating their eggs are wrong on 3 levels. 
Morally, Environmentally, and Health wise. 

Humankind needed to eat meat and possibly even drink/eat dairy to survive. Luckily not anymore. 

There are countless scientific studies proving that plant based diet is healthy and safe and in contrary how unnatural and unhealthy it is to consume dairy (an other mammals breast milk!!!) and how unhealthy it can be to eat meat. 

I used to be a meat eater as almost all vegans and vegetarians... 
I know flesh tastes good! 
(I am quite sure dogmeat or human meat with some nice seasoning would taste just as nice as any chicken breast I used to eat...). 

But I dont want a feeling, breathing, wonderful creature to die for my convenience or satisfaction. I found amazing tastes in vegan food and I feel simply better that noone has to DIE for my lunch.

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