Monday, 27 February 2017

Do fish feel? The story of Bubo.

Dr. Bubo - The friendliest fish

This is Bubo, he is 10 years old

The story of Bubo:

10 years ago, as a child, Lukas wanted a fish . He got one. However, he went abroad and left the fish behind at his parents house. They took care of him as they could, but he was rather lonely and isolated... When we moved to Lithuania in Oct 2016, we took him to our place, cleaned his home and he was placed right next to my working station. I've never lived with a fish before, and I knew close to nothing (specially based on personal experience) about fish... As he was right next to me, I watched him and started to adore his peculiar way of existence... I noticed how he is searching, moving stuff around, playing, sleeping on his side, cleaning his home, hiding stuff, watching me back :)
And I started to realize, how wonderful beings fish are.

As we became vegans 3 years ago, both Lukas and me started to see animals from a different perspective... We always loved them, but never really "noticed" them... never really saw all species as individuals. Cats and dogs... maybe, but fish? Or pigs, or chicken?

As I sat next to this amazing creature, I started to bond with him... First, I learned that he has no name... :( So, I named him Bubo... Dr. Bubo.
Second, I could not resist, so put my hand into his aquarium, just because I wanted to connect with him, but he was very afraid... But day after day, week after week, his curiosity got stronger... and he started to get closer and closer to my hand. Until he started to cuddle :) First I was very-very soft and super gentle with him, but then I also became a bit braver, and started to massage him, tickle him, play with him :) He loved it... Came back again and again, and sometimes I "stayed" in his place for like 30 min straight just to stroke him (he practically fell a sleep in my hand)...
Now I know which spots he likes, and we have a routine of playing a kind of "chasing game" :)

What I have found amazing, are two things:
1. He can actually notice the difference between my hand (and voice) and my boyfriends,
2. And he REMEMBERS! He has long term memory! No kiddin'! We left for 10 days and when I came back, he was cuddling to my hand like crazy :D I love him <3

It proved me again: we know so LITTLE about animals, their personality their peculiarities their sentience!

I dont think Bubo is a special case, but more like an other proof that no matter what animals we are,  we all deserve to live and be loved.

**** If you like this video, pls consider to stop eating fish... you might just eat a fish like Bubo.****

1 comment :

  1. This fish reminded my of nimo :) and 10 years wow, that is great. Also that is really good story and worth reading. Thanks for sharing it with us.
