Digging deeper and get to the bottom of vegan concepts...
The animals we call our “pets” have been domesticated by humans thousands of years ago, and now their lives depend on us. Other animal species have been enslaved by humans, all part of a system designed to provide food for us.
Is a dog's life more valuable than a chicken's or a calf's or a pigglet's? No. Not really.
On the other hand, if we are raising an animal and taking care of them, we obviously can't let them starve. If that animal requires meat, we face a difficult moral dilemma.
I know this
can sound confusing, but adopting a compassionate, vegan lifestyle doesn't mean
there's an easy and perfect solution to every problem. For humans, being vegan
is relatively simple: we possess physiological, moral and cognitive abilities
that other animals don't have. Beyond that, human consumption of meat, fish,
dairy and eggs is what causes the vast majority of the suffering and killing of
animals (0ver 97%).
In practice, when a four-legged creature enters our family and our heart, we may find ourselves disregarding the suffering of other animals in order to provide what our pet needs – especially when we can buy a nice package of food without having to see what the farm animals go through.
Cats are obligate carnivores, but fortunately, balanced (packaged) vegan cat ( & dog) food is available and contains everything a cat's (or dog’s) body requires, including taurine! Most cats and dogs can thrive on this kind of food (Including my 10 years old feline 😊 )
In practice, when a four-legged creature enters our family and our heart, we may find ourselves disregarding the suffering of other animals in order to provide what our pet needs – especially when we can buy a nice package of food without having to see what the farm animals go through.
Cats are obligate carnivores, but fortunately, balanced (packaged) vegan cat ( & dog) food is available and contains everything a cat's (or dog’s) body requires, including taurine! Most cats and dogs can thrive on this kind of food (Including my 10 years old feline 😊 )
If you are
here, regarding an actual cat:
· One good solution is to join some groups (Vegan
Cats for example) and research on the topic to see other, real life cats and
their stories: (Like ours: http://thepotatoandtomato.blogspot.lt/2016/11/vegan-cat-vegan-cat.html)
· Offer your cat vegan food, see yourself what’s
in it, and to see if your little one likes it
· If you still concerned and think you must give
meat, try it without contributing to the animal-based food industries! Do not buy packaged animal based products and meat. As you create demand and indirectly the suffering of many animals by doing so. ----- > Get in
touch with some local restaurants and butcher shops, they will be happy if you
take their leftovers.
· If your cat goes outdoors, it is likely they
will hunt their for their own (you could supplement the rest with well balanced vegan cat food).
Final thoughts:
Feeding our
companion animals meat from farm animals means ignoring the animals you can't
see. Those animals deserve to be treated ethically as much as our pets do. You
wouldn't slaughter cats and dogs to provide meat for other cats, right? In the
same way, there is no good reason to slaughter chickens, fish or cows for that
purpose. Feeding meat to cats may seem more “natural”, but it's important to
remember that neither farm animals nor companion animals are living in natural
conditions nowadays.
And if there is a good, working alternative
why would we want to contribute to the suffering of other animals for our loved
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